Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Harry Potter

omg i can't believe i haven't posted anything about hp yet!!!!!!
well....... yeah so i am doing it now!!!

well 4 the peeps who don't know who harry potter is, TO BAD SUCKERS!!!!
i luv the movies i can't wait until the 7th (part 1) comes out!! 120 days from now!!!
i saw movies: 1 2 3 4 5 & 6
i read books: 1 2 4 & i am starting the 6th.

anyway.... the movies r fun here r my 5 top fav charters in hp.
1. Ginny Weasley (in pic) (played by Bonnie Wright
2. Luna Lovegood (Evan Lynch)
3. Hermione Granger (emma waston)
4. Serious Black (i don't know who he is played by)
5. Harry potter (danillel radclif)

anyways now u know a little bit more of hp.
BEWARE OF YOU-KNOW-WHO!! (lord Voldelmort)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010



weried b-ball game

i was at my bro's b-ball game with my friends, K, S, and C. we were walking around talking and these boys said "what are you looking at?" our reply "nothing. lets go"
Boys: " yeah keep walking, you scared?"
us: No! and who where knee socks in the summer?!?!
Boy#2: they keep me from sweating.
us: gross.

we walked away to go get a drink nthen we walked back to the tables, we saw the boys there again and they said...

boy#1: i dare you, (pointing to K) to drink this, (it was old gatorade)

she took the bottle of gatorade, took noff the lid and....... chucked it at 1 of the boys!! lol

Boy#1: hey!! what did you do that for? now you satined my shirt!!
K: gatorade doesn't stain, you should know that.

boy#1 walked away mad. why'll we stayed and talked with the littler kid.

Boy#2: sooo...... where are you guys from
C: Shaker hts.
Boy#2: we live overthere across the street.
Boy#1: don't tell them where we live!!
Boy#2: i thought you weren't gonna talk to them anymore.
K: yeah! i like him more, he's nicer!!
Boy#1: what ever.

we kept talking and we went of to the playground on the monkey-bars,
Boy#1: i bet'ch ya you can't do this, (the bars were like 5ft off the ground)

he got on them but slipped, we all laughed.
Boy#1: its not funny.

he started crying so we walked away. the game was over so we left and never found out what happened to him.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Summer

Happy Summer everyone!!!!!! I'm doing swim-team KCC (ohio) let me know if i face you! I'm also doing HB camp next week, and Camp Chris. Also everyone Happy 4th of July!!! What are you doing this summer?? let me know!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

BFF fight day 2

ok. so yeah rember yesterday i told you about that fight? ok.... *contuie*

today E made up with K!!! yea!!! yea.... until lunch recess.... :(
A told are Vice P. what happened. it was raining outside so we went to the gym for recess. My friend K is a twin!! LIKE ME!! and her sis H saw her do it. She ran up to the gym and told us and me and my friends were screaming our heads off!!!!!!! we tried to hide put Vice P. came and took K & E to her office. and now everything is...... well.......... sort-a awkward now. see ya!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

friend fight

my bff and one of her orther friends are having a HUGE fight!!! her friend is friends with another mean girl. she started insulting her. she said to her friend. (ok i'm juust gonna say there 1st letter of there names.) it's K or me. E said "look what you did K." K said "what? everything was just fine with me until you came in. Mary (me) and C have been more of a friend than you!" E said fine i guess we're not friends anymore! K said fine! i don't care i got M and C! they are way nicer then you!!! then the next copuple of days there still insulting each orther. this is still happening now. (6/1/10) it's soooooooo fun watching them!!! now A is like saying lines from movies! it's soooo funny!! btw i don't like E eiether. now it's all insults at recess. it's sort-a fun!!!! ttyl.

Monday, May 17, 2010


here's stuff on me...........

Name: Mary
age: 10
Music: Selena Gomez!!! Emily Osment!
fav.t.v. shows: iCarly Wizards of Weavery Place
Animals: Dogs cats bears dolphins killer whale
food: pizza popcorn cupcakes!!! cake candy!!
drinks: Root bear orange soda water lemon ade
hobbies: shelfari cpu riding my NEW bike!
talent: Haven't discovered yet. :(
books: Harry Potter Warriors!
websites to find me on: Club penguin, shelfari, girlsense, gmail
color: purple

tell me about you! who knows we could be bffs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL