Tuesday, June 1, 2010

friend fight

my bff and one of her orther friends are having a HUGE fight!!! her friend is friends with another mean girl. she started insulting her. she said to her friend. (ok i'm juust gonna say there 1st letter of there names.) it's K or me. E said "look what you did K." K said "what? everything was just fine with me until you came in. Mary (me) and C have been more of a friend than you!" E said fine i guess we're not friends anymore! K said fine! i don't care i got M and C! they are way nicer then you!!! then the next copuple of days there still insulting each orther. this is still happening now. (6/1/10) it's soooooooo fun watching them!!! now A is like saying lines from movies! it's soooo funny!! btw i don't like E eiether. now it's all insults at recess. it's sort-a fun!!!! ttyl.

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