Wednesday, June 30, 2010

weried b-ball game

i was at my bro's b-ball game with my friends, K, S, and C. we were walking around talking and these boys said "what are you looking at?" our reply "nothing. lets go"
Boys: " yeah keep walking, you scared?"
us: No! and who where knee socks in the summer?!?!
Boy#2: they keep me from sweating.
us: gross.

we walked away to go get a drink nthen we walked back to the tables, we saw the boys there again and they said...

boy#1: i dare you, (pointing to K) to drink this, (it was old gatorade)

she took the bottle of gatorade, took noff the lid and....... chucked it at 1 of the boys!! lol

Boy#1: hey!! what did you do that for? now you satined my shirt!!
K: gatorade doesn't stain, you should know that.

boy#1 walked away mad. why'll we stayed and talked with the littler kid.

Boy#2: sooo...... where are you guys from
C: Shaker hts.
Boy#2: we live overthere across the street.
Boy#1: don't tell them where we live!!
Boy#2: i thought you weren't gonna talk to them anymore.
K: yeah! i like him more, he's nicer!!
Boy#1: what ever.

we kept talking and we went of to the playground on the monkey-bars,
Boy#1: i bet'ch ya you can't do this, (the bars were like 5ft off the ground)

he got on them but slipped, we all laughed.
Boy#1: its not funny.

he started crying so we walked away. the game was over so we left and never found out what happened to him.

1 comment:

  1. this was a very weird game but we got ice cream!!!!!
